Registered Massage Therapy

About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a form of physical therapy that uses manual soft tissue manipulation to promote relaxation and healing. This ancient practice has been used for centuries to relieve stress, ease muscle tension, and improve overall health.

Today, massage therapy is a popular alternative medicine with other modalities such as physical therapy, kinesiology,  osteopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments. It’s recognized as a safe and effective way to treat various physical and emotional conditions.

Massage therapists use techniques such as Swedish, deep tissue, sports, trigger point therapy, and more to target specific body areas and alleviate pain and discomfort.

In addition to reducing stress and muscle tension, massage therapy can help improve circulation, support immune function, and relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can also enhance athletic performance, speed up recovery after injury, and promote relaxation and well-being.

All our Massage Therapists have undergone a minimum of 3000 hours of training and are registered with the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia (CMTBC).

Whether it’s an injury or psychological or physical stress, Ridge Health listens to each person’s concerns, asks questions about their lifestyle, and learns their medical history and which areas of the body they’d like treated.

Igor Mednikov – Founder

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Seeing a registered massage therapist can provide several benefits, including:

Relief of muscle tension and pain

Massage therapists use techniques such as deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy to relieve.

Improved flexibility and range of motion

Massage therapy can help to increase flexibility and range of motion by stretching and relaxing muscles and soft tissue.

Reduced stress and anxiety

By promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension, massage therapy can reduce stress and anxiety.

Improved circulation

Massage therapy can help to improve circulation by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles and soft tissue.

Enhanced athletic performance

Athletic performance can be improved by massage therapy by increasing flexibility, range of motion, and blood flow to the muscles.

Enhanced Recovery

Post injury or surgery recovery can be sped up from massage therapy by reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Massage Therapy Techniques

Depending on your exact needs treatments can consist of:

Muscle stretching


Joint mobilization


Muscle stripping


Muscle strengthening


Pre-natal and post-natal massage


Connective tissue lengthening/unwinding


Trigger point muscle ischemic compression


Registered Massage Therapy

45 Minutes – $115

60 Minutes – $130

75 Minutes – $155

90 Minutes – $175

ICBC Client information

ICBC automatically approves 12 RMT treatments within 12-weeks of a motor vehicle accident. For the initial 60 minute treatment ICBC will pay to the clinic $131.25 which covers the cost of a first initial 45 minute and a 60 minute treatments. Client pays $0 for the initial 45 minite or a 60 minute RMT treatment. For the 60 minute subsequent treatment, ICBC will pay a clinic $98.7 ( 5% GST tax is included) leaving a patient to pay $31.53 out of pocket and $16.30 out of pocket for a 45 minute treatment.

Any treatments after 12-weeks from the date of the accident must be paid by you in full unless you’re approved for further treatment by ICBC.

For further questions about ICBC coverage policies please send us an email through the contact form.

Preparing for your session

Pre-clinic Assessment

Your medical history and any concerns will be gathered to understand your health goals.

After receiving consent to perform a physical assessment, a registered massage therapist will assess your posture, body movement and muscle tone with their hands. You are usually dressed at this stage of assessment either standing, sitting or lying down on the massage table.

Following a physical assessment, your registered massage therapist will explain the massage procedure, which body parts will be massaged, at what strength and proposed treatment plan to a patient. We will then get your consent for the treatment plan.

During Treatment

You’ll have the choice to wear clothing or disrobe in a private setting and lie under the covered sheets.

The treatment will consist of an oil massage on the skin of the body parts previously discussed and consented to massage, such as the back, hips, legs, feet, shoulders, arms, hands, head, face, abdomen and upper chest.

Only discussed body parts are undraped during the massage, with the rest of the body always covered with sheets.

You’ll have the choice to lie face down, face up or in a side-lying position.

Pillows can be used to support your ankles, lower back, shoulders and chest. You may also use pillows to elevate your body to a slightly inclined position for blood pressure stability support.

 A warm heating pad can be used for added comfort, and calm music is usually played to relax the nervous system.

Patient safety and appropriate behaviour

Pregnancy massages are done in a side-lying position for safety precautions for a fetus.

For disabled clientele, a massage can be performed directly from the wheelchair. 

A patient can always stop a massage treatment at any given moment under the consent policy of registered massage therapy of British Columbia.

A therapist can stop the treatment if the patient behaves inappropriately, eg. hostile behaviour, abusive language, sexualizing a treatment, being intoxicated, etc.


22420 Dewdney Trunk Road
3rd Floor, Suite 300
Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 3J5

Contact Us



6:30 AM to 7:30 PM

Tues, Thur
7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

6:30 AM to 5:00 PM

6:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday and Sunday:

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